Last updated at 2023-04-06 14:51:37 by ouit0973

Connecting to the Oxford VPN

1. Double-click the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client application, which can be found in the Cisco folder within the main Applications folder:

VPN Client Icon

2. The Oxford VPN should be pre-populated in the connection window. Click the Connect button to start the connection:

Ready to Connect

3. You will need to enter your SSO username and password and go through the standard authentication process

* Please Note - Logging into the new Cisco AnyConnect Client on your Orchard macOS device before mid-morning on 26 April, will mean you still need to use your Remote Access account to authenticate.

Ready to Connect

Ready to Connect

4. When you have successfully connected to the VPN a notification will appear. In the menu bar you can also see the Cisco AnyConnect VPN icon with a lock:

Connection Notification

5. To disconnect from the VPN click the Cisco AnyConnect VPN icon in the menu bar and choose Disconnect:


6. To reconnect click the Cisco AnyConnect VPN icon in the menu bar and choose Connect:


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