Upload page content

You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name

Software Staging

To enable auto promotion, from Testing → Stable, of applications downloaded using AutoPkg, munki-promote has been implemented. This uses a Python script to move applications according to a schedule defined in a JSON configuration file.

Currently, downloaded applications are set to move from Testing → Stable after 14 days. The promotion process runs at 2.30am every morning.

The script an its JSON configuration file are located here:


To allow for additional logging of the process, to run makecatalogs and also to update the catalog listings, the Python script is triggered from a Zsh script. This is triggered from the Calendar app using an Automator application that runs the following:

sudo -u autopkg /srv/munki/bin/munkipromote.sh


In order for applications imported into Munki to automatically migrate they need to be added to the munkipromote JSON configuration file (munkipromote.json). Simply edit the file and add the Munki name (not the display name) for the software. Please keep the list in alphabetical order.

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