You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.
Synchronising wikis partly or fully aiming at two instances having the same content (not necessarily the same page history) while avoiding conflicts and supporting merging, supported by a GUI with good usability. There is no need for a bi-directional connection, the initiating wiki just needs HTTP access to the remote wiki.
The first step is to register the remote wiki with an InterWiki name. This can either be done on the page InterWikiMap or in the file intermap.txt (see HelpOnConfiguration).
In your set interwikiname. It is commented out by default.
Then it is necessary to create a kind of "job page" that contains all parameters for the synchronisation. This page will be extended by the log of the sync process as well. See below for allowed parameters. The parameters have to be written in the dictionary format (see HelpOnDictionaries). It is generally a nice example and helpful to use the page SyncJobTemplate that already has some parameters in it.
After that, you can simply select SyncPages from the dropdown menu and start the synchronisation.
Please check the remote wiki's wiki config for actions_excluded - the builtin default of it (see $PathToYourPythonInstall$/MoinMoin/config/, e.g. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/config/ disables some actions, including xmlrpc (this default was chosen to not open your wiki to automatic read/write access by xmlrpc except if you really decide to want that). To allow xmlrpc (wikisync is based on xmlrpc, so it won't work if you don't allow it), remove 'xmlrpc' from the exclusion list.
You may want to protect your wiki by using ACL rules.
Besides remoteWiki, all other parameters are optional. Those parameters must be stored as WikiDict in the job page.
InterWiki moniker/name of the remote wiki. Note that it has to match the interwiki name that has been configured by the admin of the remote wiki. You will see an error message if this is not the case.
If defined, only these (local or remote) pages are transferred. Matching is not used in this case. Page names have to be separated by commas, other syntax like [[ should not be used.
If defined, only these page local groups and all referred pages are transferred. Neither matching nor pageList is used in this case. Note that these group pages are not resolved recursively. The syntax is the same as the pageList's one.
This is either Down or Both (it is not case-sensitive). Down means that local changes are not written to the remote wiki. Note that Down is slower and more bandwith-consuming in some cases.
The password that should be used to authenticate in the remote wiki. Do not supply the password on the page if you cannot make sure that nobody else will be able to read it! Rather just set the user - MoinMoin will ask you for the password automatically.