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Dear Orchard MacBook User,
You are receiving this email because you are registered as having an Orchard managed MacBook laptop. In the coming few weeks, all laptops in Orchard will be encrypted automatically using a technology called FileVault. This is to ensure the safety of the data held on your MacBook should it be lost or stolen.
Full information on this process is available on the Orchard documentation site at but the key points are:
* If your laptop has never been encrypted you will see a pop up asking you to log out to start the FileVault encryption process. Please do not ignore this pop up. You will be able to save your work before you log out. After logging out you will need to enter the password you use to log in to your laptop. After a short while, your laptop will reboot and you will be immediately asked again for your password, to log in. This is normal for encrypted laptops. After you have entered your password, the operating system will load and take you straight to your desktop. You may continue working at this point as the encryption will happen silently in the background. N.B. you will need to be plugged in to a power source or the encryption will be paused.
* If your laptop has previously been encrypted with FileVault (i.e. you have to enter your password immediately after starting your computer) then you need do nothing and Orchard will silently regenerate the key used for emergency recovery of your laptop if you forget your password, and send it to Orchard where it will be stored securely and can be accessed if necessary by your IT support staff.
* If you get a new laptop you will be asked to encrypt it immediately on your first login.
Rollout will be phased, starting with the Blavatnik School and then continuing to all departments with Orchard managed Macs. If you have any questions about the encryption process please contact your IT support staff. Details of who to contact can be found on
Many thanks, The Orchard Team