Revision 1 as of 2017-01-12 09:19:55

University of Oxford Apple Developer Account

The University has an Apple Developer Account which units may use to sign and release their iOS and macOS applications to the relevant App Stores.


NSMS purchased a Developer Account with a signing identity for the University of Oxford when they became available several years ago. Apple only allow one identity per D-U-N-S number so we have kept the management of this account, and provide a best efforts service in administering it. Please note that since we do not receive compensation for our time it is not a formal service with an SLA.

General Information

Team Levels


There is only one agent account, and this is managed by NSMS. This is the account that will


Each unit that wishes to use the Developer Account should nominate one person to be their developer admin. This person will have admin permissions on the Developer Account portal. The admin can change the app id of an application, and also sign them for distribution. Admins can also add new members, but we ask that they do not grant alter membership levels for any other person in the team.


Members can create development certificates and register devices to develop on

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