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Decommissioning Your Orchard Mac

Reason for Decommissioning

If your Mac is no longer supported by Apple we unfortunately will be unable to continue supporting the device. To understand this further;

  • Vintage models are between 5-7 years old and are mostly supported*
  • Obsolete models are over 7 years old and are not supported

You can check the model status here https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201624

We request you contact us before removing any enrolled Orchard Mac from use. This can be done via an Oxford Service Manager Service Request, so we can then schedule the decommissioning process with you.

Notify us to Decommission

Please navigate to Submit a Request to Decommission

  • Select Decommission Device
  • Fill out the request and submit
  • This will automatically generate a ticket request with a reference number
  • We will contact you to plan the decommission process

Decommissioning Process


The standard process will be to erase/wipe the Mac, this will mean any Applications and user data are completely removed from the Mac. We then re-install the latest supported Operating System and then hand the Mac back to you. We can then ensure that the department responsible for the asset is no longer charged.

Data retention

Should you wish to retain or move any data, we can ensure it is transferred to a new Mac or to removable storage for you.

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