After you have deemed a new set of autopkg recipes meet our guidelines and perform as they should, do the following:
On the build host, do a sudo -u autopkg git pull in the relevant repository's local directory (i.e. /srv/autopkg/Recipes, /srv/autopkg/RecipeOverrides etc)
If this is in the orchard-recipes repo, please also do a sudo -u autopkg git push autopkg master to update the version in the main autopkg repo. This does not need to be done for overrides, or private recipes.
Upload a 350x350 (or higher) png file of the icon, named the same as the munki pkginfo's Name key to /srv/munki/orchard_repo/icons on the build host.
Run sudo -u autopkg autopkg run RecipeName.munki to run the recipe and import its output into Munki on the build host.
Now add the munki recipe/override to the autobuild - create a symbolic as the autopkg user, link to it in the /srv/autopkg/BuildRecipes folder on the build host.
Finally create the entry for the software in the relevant section(s) in the manifest(s) /srv/munki/orchard_repo/manifests on the build host].