## Please replace **NAME** with the name of the software package in munki and **DISPLAY_NAME** as its display_name = Stata 17 MP = <> Generated from [[Software/Stata_17_MP/InfoDict|InfoDict]] ## Please delete the following sections if not applicable <> === Licence information === Stata software is licenced, installed without. <> === Build information === Contact Timberlake for HE temporary licence and download link info@timberlake.co.uk. This will allow you to download and import the latest version of Stata. Remember that one dmg will hold three versions of Stata MP/BE/SE Use Munkiimport to import the latest version into repo. Note the pkginfo requires manually changing. Insert a choicechanges xml array to identify version installed, A preinstall_alert with alert_detail, change the receipts key just to include the relevant packageids and also point installer_item_location at one single DMG installer and not one of three. Look back on past versions for inspiration. <> === Changelog === ---- CategorySoftware