
SPSS Statistics

The world's leading statistical software for business, government, research and academic organizations.

Version history

/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /Applications/SPSS25/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS/spssLauncher
rm -rf /Applications/SPSS25
pkgutil --forget uk.ac.ox.orchard.spss25.pkg
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --remove /Applications/SPSS25/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS/spssLauncher

/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /Applications/SPSS23/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS/spssLauncher

rm -rf /Applications/SPSS23
pkgutil --forget uk.ac.ox.orchard.spss23.pkg
/usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --remove /Applications/SPSS23/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS/spssLauncher

Todo List


SPSS Statistics is university site-licensed software and can be installed silently. The silent install package is a binary that relies on a configuration file. These have been packaged separately to allow us to change the SPSS authentication code without having to rebuild the SPSS binary package (which is around 900mb).

The following parameters need to be changed in the installer.properties file:

/!\ Note when using a fresh installer.properties file some of the above lines need to be un-commented.

The SPSS binary and installer.properties should be copied to /private/var/tmp/MMP/ and dragged into Composer to create two separate packages. The SPSS-Install.sh script looks in this location for the files, runs the installer and applies the installer.properties, then deletes the contents of /private/var/tmp/MMP/.

When we need to update the authorisation code for SPSS, we simply change the authorisation code in installer.properties, flush the policy and reinstall over the top of an existing installation to apply the new code.


Orchard: Software/SPSS (last edited 2021-11-16 15:04:38 by ouit0213)