SPSS Statistics
- Support: supported (funded by BSG)
Source: https://downloads.oucs.ox.ac.uk/itss/sls/ for software, https://wiki.oucs.ox.ac.uk/itss/SPSS for authorisation code
The world's leading statistical software for business, government, research and academic organizations.
Version history
- SPSS 28
This version relies on downloading the pkg from https://register.it.ox.ac.uk/self/software along with the Licence key and Codes.
- Expand the SPSS package and build new package with munkipkg with a postinstall script that contains the licence key.
- Munkiimport into the Repo
- SPSS 27
- SPSS 26
For this version may want to include COMPANYNAME=University of Oxford in installer.properties
- SPSS 25
Requested SPSS 25 Silent Installer and Fix Pack dmgs from Tim Piper in ITS3. Now saved to smb://connect.ox.ac.uk/ictt/Software/UNIX TEAM/orchard-archive/Packages/SPSS25. May be available in due course at https://downloads.it.ox.ac.uk/itss/sls/SPSS/
- Using jamf Composer, converted existing SPSS23.pkg to source.
- Replaced the two existing binaries with the new binaries from the v25 installer and fix pack.
- NB: docs below suggest splitting .bin files and installer.properties between two packages for ease of updating licence. I didn't do this this time.
Diff'ed the default v25 version of settings file installer.properties against the configured v23 version. Added the install path and authorisation code into the v25 version (see below), and replaced the v23 version.
AUTHCODE=fc5... (from https://wiki.it.ox.ac.uk/itss/SPSS)
- (script for scripts/postinstall 'SPSS-Install.sh' available in svn).
Updated the receipt in Composer to uk.ac.ox.orchard.spss25.pkg
- Built the package using Composer (see v23 below for how to create with pkgbuild)
munkiimport on autumn-glory using SPSS23.plist as a guide.
Added postinstall_script and postuninstall_script (i.e. in /srv/munki/orchard_repo/pkgsinfo/SPSS/SPSS25.plist)
<key>postinstall_script</key> <string>#!/bin/sh /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /Applications/SPSS25/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS/spssLauncher </string> <key>postuninstall_script</key> <string>#!/bin/sh rm -rf /Applications/SPSS25 pkgutil --forget uk.ac.ox.orchard.spss25.pkg /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --remove /Applications/SPSS25/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS/spssLauncher </string>
- SPSS 23
Downloaded SPSS 23 and SPSS 23 fix pack dmg from https://downloads.it.ox.ac.uk/itss/sls/SPSS/
- Extracted silent installer binaries and configuration file.
- Edited configuration file (installer.properties) as below.
- Created scripts/postinstall from SPSS-Install.sh
- Built the package (pkgbuild --identifier uk.ac.ox.orchard.spss23.pkg --root ~/SPSS --scripts ~/SPSS/scripts --install-location /var/tmp/MMP /tmp/SPSS23.pkg)
- Transfer the pkg over to stelmaria and perform a munkiimport
- Add a postinstall_script: /srv/munki/orchard_repo/pkgsinfo/SPSS
- Add a postuninstall_script: /srv/munki/orchard_repo/pkgsinfo/SPSS
<key>postinstall_script</key> <string>#!/bin/sh /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --add /Applications/SPSS23/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS/spssLauncher </string>
<key>postuninstall_script</key> <string>#!/bin/sh rm -rf /Applications/SPSS23 pkgutil --forget uk.ac.ox.orchard.spss23.pkg /usr/libexec/ApplicationFirewall/socketfilterfw --remove /Applications/SPSS23/SPSSStatistics.app/Contents/MacOS/spssLauncher </string>
- SPSS 22
-- oucs0162 2014-09-15 12:17:29
Downloaded SPSS 22 ISO from https://downloads.oucs.ox.ac.uk/itss/sls/SPSS/
- Extracted .dmg containing silent installer binary and configuration file.
- Packaged silent installer binary (SPSS_Statistics_Installer.bin) as SPSS-Statistics_22.dmg
- Edited configuration file (installer.properties) as below.
- Packaged configuration file as SPSS-Configuration_20140914-1.dmg (first version contained errors).
- NB: Installer binary requires Java 6 to run.
SPSS-Configuration_131212-2 -- oucs0162 2013-12-12 14:26:53
- Updated the installer.properties file with the new SPSS authorisation code running to Dec '14.
Licences listed here: https://wiki.it.ox.ac.uk/itss/SPSS
SPSS-Configuration_121127-1 -- oucs0150 2012-11-27 11:26:14
- Updated the installer.properties file with the new SPSS authorisation code.
20 -- oucs0150 2012-08-15 16:58:57
- Initial MMP release
- Includes SPSS-Statistics_20-1.dmg and SPSS-Configuration_120815-1.dmg
- Wrote first version of SPSS-Install.sh
- See documentation for full instructions
- Package Type: Build as .dmg
Todo List
- Update authorisation code every year- SPSS expires on 1st December.
SPSS Statistics is university site-licensed software and can be installed silently. The silent install package is a binary that relies on a configuration file. These have been packaged separately to allow us to change the SPSS authentication code without having to rebuild the SPSS binary package (which is around 900mb).
The following parameters need to be changed in the installer.properties file:
- USER_INSTALL_DIR=/Applications/SPSS20/
- Under LICENSETYPE, uncomment single=0 and change to single=1
- AUTHCODE= whatever the current authcode is in the ITSS wiki for the correct SPSS version.
- COMPANYNAME=University of Oxford
Note when using a fresh installer.properties file some of the above lines need to be un-commented.
The SPSS binary and installer.properties should be copied to /private/var/tmp/MMP/ and dragged into Composer to create two separate packages. The SPSS-Install.sh script looks in this location for the files, runs the installer and applies the installer.properties, then deletes the contents of /private/var/tmp/MMP/.
When we need to update the authorisation code for SPSS, we simply change the authorisation code in installer.properties, flush the policy and reinstall over the top of an existing installation to apply the new code.