## Please replace **NAME** with the name of the software package in munki and **DISPLAY_NAME** as its display_name = Orchard Branding = <> ## Please delete the following sections if not applicable <> === Build information === Components: 0. Orchard_Branding.pkg.recipe * Creates a package named Orchard_Branding-.pkg containing files from 'payload' directory and sets necessary permissions. When payload or recipe is changed the version key must be updated to the current date in format YYYYMMDD. 0. 'payload' directory * Contains Orchard desktop pictures, user pictures and login screen icons (latter unused), in a directory structure for deployment to /Library. 0. 'build' directory * Destination for .pkg generated by Orchard_Branding.pkg.recipe 0. Orchard_Branding.munki.recipe * Runs the Orchard_Branding.pkg.recipe, imports into munki, adds a post-install script to the generated pkgsinfo plist. 0. 'scripts' directory * Contains executable version of post-install script. Script sets the management account (orchard) picture to be the one deployed to /Library/. Note the script needs to have its XML-sensitive characters protected before inclusion in Orchard_Branding.pkg.recipe. <> === Changelog === <> === See Also === ==== Notes on imaging and enrolment-planting workflows ==== When imaging, the management account (orchard) is created by Jamf Imaging with longname and shortname 'orchard' and one of the Apple standard user pictures. When Orchard_Management_Account_Creator.sh is run by JSS policy 'Enforce Orchard Management Account', it fixes the longname and configures the account for use. When using the enrolment-planting workflow, Orchard_Management_Creator.sh runs during planting and if creating the account it sets the account picture to one of the Apple standard images. For either workflow, the management account (orchard) image is set to the orchard image by the post-install for the munki package which deploys it, and the desktop picture is set by JSS policy 'Orchard Branding'. JSS policies which require the branding files to be in /Library/Orchard are scoped to smart groups which check for the presence of receipt uk.ac.ox.orchard.pkg.OrchardBranding ---- CategorySoftware