## Please replace **NAME** with the name of the software package in munki and **DISPLAY_NAME** as its display_name = Install OS X El Capitan = <> ## Please delete the following sections if not applicable <> === Build information === * Package built with createOSXinstallpkg using Install OS X El Capitan.app 10.11.5 (Build 15F34). * Manually imported into munki with munkiimport * Contains the preinstall_script https://svn.oucs.ox.ac.uk/groups/nsms/src/n/nsms-mmp-scripts/trunk/Planting_At_Reboot_Installer.sh * Contains the postinstall_script https://svn.oucs.ox.ac.uk/groups/nsms/src/n/nsms-mmp-scripts/trunk/File_Watching_Screen_Lock_And_Rebooter_Installer.sh * Script has been modified as it expects input from JSS - the arguments have been hardcoded into the script in the pkginfo. <> === Changelog === * -- [[ouit0354]] <> Initial version of pkg InstallOSX_10.11.5_15F34.pkg imported <> === ToDo === <> === See also === ---- CategorySoftware