Fonts Freefonts
Description: A selection of freeware/free licensed fonts.
Licence type: foss/freeware see licence information below
Package build type: munkipkg, run manually if/when fonts updated
Package build info: see build information below
Developer: Oxford University
Support status: supported
Supported OS X Versions: all
Restart required: no
Requires: none
Update for: none
Font sources & Licence information
- Aileron
- Bebas Neue
- Cardo:
- Courier Prime:
- Cousine:
- EB Garamond
- eunomia
- F5.6
- ferrum
- Font Awsome
- Hadrian Regular
- Jost
- Lato:
- Liberation fonts:
- medio
- Montserrat
- Open Sans
- Oswold
- Oxygen
- penna
- Poppins
- Raleway
- Roboto:
- Route 159
- seshat
- Source Sans Pro:
- tenderness
- vegur
Build information
New pkg version can be created via munki-pkg on Autumn-Glory. This is done by importing existing package then uploading new files and updating version history in the build-info.plist.
The package is then built to obtain new version and then munkiimported. To gain an understanding of munki-pkg check out the help pages
Once imported the pkg is included in manifest 'orchard_base' so all Orchard Macs will recieve this pkg as an update. This should be tested via unstable channel prior to release.
New version created - Fonts_Freefonts-20200518.pkg