## Please replace **NAME** with the name of the software package in munki and **DISPLAY_NAME** as its display_name = Fonts Freefonts = <> Generated from [[Software/Fonts_Freefonts/InfoDict|InfoDict]] ## Please delete the following sections if not applicable <> === Licence information === * Cardo: http://scholarsfonts.net * Courier Prime: http://johnaugust.com/2013/introducing-courier-prime * Cousine: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/download/cousine * Hadrian Regular http://www.fontpalace.com/font-download/Hadrian+Regular/ * Liberation fonts: https://fedorahosted.org/liberation-fonts/ * Roboto: http://developer.android.com/design/style/typography.html * Source Sans Pro: http://sourceforge.net/adobe/sourcesans/wiki/Home/ <> === Build information === For instructions on updating the font package see https://github.com/ox-it/orchard-recipes-inhouse/tree/master/Fonts_Freefonts Regards munki/manana the package is included in manifest 'orchard_base' which all Orchard Macs get. Package contents: {{{ Library Fonts MMP-Freefonts Cardo Courier Prime Cousine Hadrian Regular Liberation Fonts 2.00.1 README.txt Roboto Source Sans Pro 1.036}}} <> === Changelog === ---- CategorySoftware