## Please replace **NAME** with the name of the software package in munki and **DISPLAY_NAME** as its display_name = BSG FileMaker Pro 19 Licence = <> Generated from [[Software/BSG_FileMaker_Pro_19_Licence/InfoDict|InfoDict]] ## Please delete the following sections if not applicable <> === Licence information === This is a specific BSG licence only. <> === Build information === This is a manual pkg built using munkipkg. Licence files are located in a payload which copy to /Applications . A postinstall is located in scripts to activate the licence and remove the files after. The pkginfo has a requires key to ensure it installs with the application FileMakerPro_19. Also a postuninstall_script which removes licence information in /Users/Shared ##<> ##=== Changelog === ##<> ##=== ToDo === ##<> ##=== See also === ---- CategorySoftware