Revision 4 as of 2016-04-28 10:54:29

Adobe Creative Cloud Updates

aamporter setup

The updates to Creative Cloud apps are imported into the Orchard munki repository from the autopkg build host using Tim Suttons tool aamporter. Currently there is a folder named /srv/munki/aamporter on which contains:

  • the aamporter script (the folder is a git clone of the Github repo so can git pull if it is updated.

  • a number of plists that were generated by running --build-product-plist [path/to/CCP/pkg/file.ccp] [--munki-update-for BaseProductPkginfoName] on each of the CC apps generated with Creative Cloud Packager.

  • a plist for aamporter itself which contains the following settings:

   1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   2 <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
   3 <plist version="1.0">
   4 <dict>
   5         <key>munkiimport_options</key>
   6         <array>
   7                 <string>--catalog=testing</string>
   8         </array>
   9         <key>munki_repo_destination_path</key>
  10         <string>Adobe_CC_2015/Updates</string>
  11 </dict>
  12 </plist>

Importing into munki

To import into munki the following shell alias is used:

   1 autoaamporter () {
   2         ls -G /srv/munki/aamporter/Adobe* | sed 's/^/-p /' | xargs -J % /srv/munki/aamporter/ --munkiimport % --make-catalogs
   3 }

This will send each product plist to aamporter where it will figure out which updates need downloading, download them if they are not cached and then import them into munki according to aamporter.plist (therefore into the testing catalog), and finally running makecatalogs.

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