= Importing the latest macOS upgrade into Munki = The following instructions demonstrate how to import the latest macOS upgrade to munki for distribution to all Orchard Macs. == Downloading the latest macOS release == To download the latest macOS release we use the {{{installinstallmacos.py}}} script from Greg Neagle's [[https://github.com/munki/macadmin-scripts|macadmin-scripts repo]]. This script creates disk images containing macOS Installer applications available via Apple's softwareupdate catalogs. The repo is already cloned on the build host Autumn-Glory at {{{/srv/munki/macadmin-scripts}}} - please ensure the repo is up to date prior to running (with {{{git pull}}}.) Run the script {{{installinstallmacos.py}}} as the root user, choose a macOS and download. == Importing into munki == Once you have your dmg downloaded, use {{{munkiimport}}} on the repo server to manually import the dmg, e.g. {{{munkiimport Install_macOS_Big_Sur-11.3.1.dmg}}} The pkginfo's {{{name}}} should always relate to the version of macOS for example {{{Install_macOS_Big_Sur}}} the version of the pkg should match the version of macOS imported e.g. {{{11.3.1}}}, and should be imported to the munki repo subfolder {{{macOS}}}. == Create and set icon == To create the product icon for the OSC, mount the dmg and go to the {{{Contents/Resources}}} folder within the Installer application. Export a 256x256 png file of the {{{InstallAssistant.icns}}} icon, named the same as the munki pkginfo's {{{name}}} key (e.g. {{{Install_macOS_Big_Sur.png}}}) and copy it to {{{/srv/munki/orchard_repo/icons}}} == Scoping == Use ```manana.orchard.private``` to create a new computer attribute mapping. Insert an attribute value of a pre-configured Jamf Smart Group all the computers you want to scope to. == References == * Using Munkiimport https://github.com/munki/munki/wiki/munkiimpor * JSS smart group example https://jss.orchard.ox.ac.uk/smartComputerGroups.html?id=748&o=r