== Information for Users == * [[WorkingFromHome|Working from home advice and support]] * [[CommissioningYourNewMac|Commissioning your new Mac to Orchard]] * [[SetUpYourMac|Set up your new Mac - Automated Device Enrolment]] * [[GettingStarted|Getting started with your Mac]] * [[EmailClientSetup|Configuring an email program (client) with your email account]] * [[Sending_From_Mulitple_EmailAddresses_MacMail|Sending from Multiple email addresses using Mac Mail]] * [[Software|Applications and other software]] * [[OrchardSoftwareCentre| The Orchard Software Centre]] * [[Software/List|List of available software]] * [[OSUpgradeSonoma|Upgrading to macOS 14 Sonoma]] * [[OSUpgradeSequoia|Upgrading to macOS 15 Sequoia]] * [[Software/AdobeCreativeCloud| Adobe Creative Cloud]] * [[Software/RequestNewApplication|Request a new Application]] * [[Software/ActivateOffice365|How to Activate Microsoft Office 365]] * [[FilevaultEncryption|FileVault Encryption]] * [[Backup|Backing up your Mac]] * [[CiscoAnyConnectVPNInstall|Installing the new Cisco VPN]] * [[CiscoAnyConnectVPNConnecting|Connecting to the new Cisco VPN]] * [[Admin|Administrator accounts on your Mac]] * [[RemoteSupport|Remotely supporting your Mac]] * [[MacOverridePrinterDefaults |Overriding default printer settings]] * [[ManagingMicrosoftRemoteDesktop|Managing Microsoft Remote Desktop ]] * [[MountingDepartmentalShares|Mounting a Connect Home Folder or Departmental share]] * [[HardwareRepairs|Hardware repairs to your Orchard Mac]] * [[Support|Contacting IT support]] * [[DecommissioningYourMac|Decommissioning Your Mac]]